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Basic Interface Overview

Pilot provides a simple yet powerful interface for controlling your test flows. This document covers the core API methods and configuration options.

API Methods


init(config: Config): void

Initializes Pilot with the provided configuration. Must be called before any other methods and only once in your test environment.


Throws an error if called multiple times.

Basic initialization example:

import pilot from '@wix-pilot/core';
import { PuppeteerFrameworkDriver } from '@wix-pilot/puppeteer';
import { OpenAIHandler } from '<your-openai-handler>';

frameworkDriver: new PuppeteerFrameworkDriver(),
promptHandler: new OpenAIHandler({
apiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY
options: {
cacheMode: 'full'


static getInstance(): Pilot

Gets the singleton instance of Pilot.


Throws an error if Pilot hasn't been initialized.

const pilot = Pilot.getInstance();


isInitialized(): boolean

Checks if Pilot has been properly initialized.

if (!pilot.isInitialized()) {


start(): void

Starts a new test flow by clearing previous steps and temporary cache.


Throws an error if a flow is already active.



perform(...steps: string[]): Promise<any>

Executes one or more test steps using natural language. Returns the result of the last executed step.


Requires an active test flow (initiated by start()).


// Single step
const result = await pilot.perform('Click the login button');

// Multiple steps in sequence
const result = await pilot.perform(
'Launch the app',
'Navigate to Settings',
'Tap on "Edit Profile"',
'Update username to "john_doe"',
'Verify changes are saved'


autopilot(goal: string): Promise<AutoReport>

Executes an entire test flow automatically based on a high-level goal. Instead of specifying individual steps, you describe the end goal and let Pilot figure out the necessary steps.


Requires an active test flow (initiated by start()).


// Let Pilot handle the entire flow
const report = await pilot.autopilot(
'Log in as admin user and verify access to all dashboard sections'

// Or achieve the same result as the multiple steps example
const report = await pilot.autopilot(
'Update the profile username to john_doe and verify the changes'


end(isCacheDisabled?: boolean): void

Ends the test flow and optionally saves the temporary cache.


Throws an error if no flow is active.

// Save results to cache (default)

// Skip saving to cache


extendAPICatalog(categories: TestingFrameworkAPICatalogCategory[], context?: any): void

Enriches the API catalog with additional testing framework capabilities.

title: 'Custom Actions',
items: [
signature: 'customAction(param: string)',
description: 'Performs a custom action',
example: 'await customAction("param")',
guidelines: [
'Use this action for specific test scenarios'
], customContext);


Config Interface

import {CacheOptions} from "@wix-pilot/core/dist/types";

interface Config {
/** Testing framework driver */
frameworkDriver: TestingFrameworkDriver;
/** AI service handler */
promptHandler: PromptHandler;
/** Optional behavior settings */
options?: PilotOptions;

interface PilotOptions {
/** Cache options */
cacheOptions?: CacheOptions;

interface CacheOptions {
/** If true, cache will be used for operations (default: true) */
shouldUseCache?: boolean;
/** If true, cache will be updated with new data (default: false) */
shouldOverrideCache?: boolean;

Framework Driver Interface

interface TestingFrameworkDriver {
/** Captures the current UI state as an image */
captureSnapshotImage(): Promise<string | undefined>;

/** Captures the current UI component hierarchy */
captureViewHierarchyString(): Promise<string>;

/** Available testing framework API methods */
apiCatalog: TestingFrameworkAPICatalog;

interface TestingFrameworkAPICatalog {
/** Framework name (e.g., "Detox", "Jest") */
name?: string;
/** Framework purpose and capabilities */
description?: string;
/** Framework context variables */
context: any;
/** Available API method categories */
categories: TestingFrameworkAPICatalogCategory[];
/** List of restrictions and guidelines */
restrictions?: string[];

Error Handling

Pilot throws errors when:

  • Attempting to initialize more than once
  • Starting a flow while another is active
  • Performing steps without an active flow
  • Ending a flow that hasn't been started

Complete flow with error handling:

try {

// Execute multiple steps
await pilot.perform(
'Click the login button',
'Type "" into the email field',
'The login form should be visible'

// Or use autopilot for goal-driven testing
await pilot.autopilot('Log in with and verify success');

} catch (error) {
// Disable cache on error
throw error;